The video-interview presents different perspectives of the protagonists on the activity of a reading group, as a way to exchange thinking, especially political thinking, with other people, having a text as a base for a constructive discussion.
Continue reading On the reading groups as a true place of education, of learning and of creativity – a interview with Florin Bobu, Livia Pancu and Noa TreisterCategory: art
Fat Cat. Granada, Spain
Fat Cat arises under one of the roofs of the Realejo neighbourhood, Granada, Spain one spring day in 2013, when a small group of friends and inhabitants of the same house, who will be joined by other restless beings, decide to open the doors of their most intimate corners and turn their home into an authentic scene where once a month creativity sprouts in any corner and magic simply happens.
Continue reading Fat Cat. Granada, SpainGato Gordo. Granada, España
Gatogordo surge bajo uno de los tejados del barrio del Realejo, Granada, un día de primavera de 2013, cuando un pequeño grupo de amigas y habitantes de una misma casa, a las que se irán sumando otros seres inquietos, deciden abrir las puertas de sus rincones más íntimos y convertir su hogar en una auténtica escena donde una vez al mes la creatividad brota en cualquier esquina y la magia simplemente sucede.
Continue reading Gato Gordo. Granada, Españateatru spălătorie, Chișinău, Moldova
Ne dorim să continuăm să lucrăm aici – an interviu cu Nora Dorogan și Artiom Zavadovschi, membrii colectivului teatru spălătorie din Chișinău.
teatru spălătorie a fost inițiat de Nicoleta Esinencu, Doriana Talmazan, Irina Vacarciuc, Viorel Pahomi și Nora Dorogan, absolvenți ai facultăților de actorie și management cultural, în anul 2010, în Chișinău (Moldova), într-un context unde domeniul teatral și instituțiile culturale publice erau limitate în privința dezvoltării unui discurs politic în artă, iar inițiativele culturale independente se confruntau cu un dezinteres total al statului față de activitatea lor.
Continue reading teatru spălătorie, Chișinău, Moldovaspalatorie theatre, Chisinau, Moldova
We want to continue working here – an interview with Nora Dorogan and Artiom Zavadovschi, members of the spalatorie theatre collective from Chisinau.
spalatorie theatre was initiated in 2010, in Chisinau (Moldova), by Nicoleta Esinencu, Doriana Talmazan, Irina Vacarciuc, Viorel Pahomi and Nora Dorogan, graduates of the faculties of acting and cultural management. They appeared in a time when the independent cultural initiatives were facing a total disinterest on behalf of the state towards their work, and as a response to the inability of the public culture institutions to develop a political discourse in the performing arts field.
Continue reading spalatorie theatre, Chisinau, Moldova